


2023-10-27 13:09 王艳敏



受哈工大“世界顶尖大学战略合作计划”和“哈工大国际化氛围建设专项资金”资助,电气学院冯勇教授和王艳敏副教授,邀请卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院的Dr.-Ing. Franco Magagnato,于20231027号采用在线讲座与线下交流形式。此时,王艳敏副教授在德国KIT大学将带领哈工大电气学院3名博士和7名硕士参加线下学术交流活动。


卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruher Institut für Technologie),简称KIT,创建于1825年,坐落于德法边境名城卡尔斯鲁厄,是欧洲顶尖理工大学,在理工界具有极高的声誉。卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院在2023QS世界大学工程与技术排名中位列欧陆第10,长期在工程、自然科学及计算技术等领域保持国际领先地位。与多个全球顶尖企业和研究机构建立了紧密合作,为其学生和教职员工创造了丰富的跨学科研究机会。


Dr.-Ing. Franco Magagnato教授是流体机械、湍流流动数值模拟和燃烧数值模拟领域的权威。他在达姆斯塔特技术大学取得博士学位,并在研究和实践中积累了丰富经验。Dr.-Ing. Franco Magagnato在卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院的研究团队一直致力于使用先进的数值模拟技术解决实际工程问题,为当今的技术挑战提供了创新解决方案。




时间:2023.10.27 21:00-23:00(北京时间)

腾讯会议号: 608-323-660

1.题目:Energy spectrum analysis and energy saving of turbomachinery and its application 

讲座人:Dr.-Ing. Franco Magagnato(德国KIT大学)

讲座时间: 21:00-22:30(北京时间)


内容介绍:Large Eddy Simulations (LES) are explored in the context of renewable energy applications. Highlighting numerical and physical aspects, and introducing the SPARC solver, the emphasis is on the importance of LES in predicting complex flows crucial for optimizing energy systems. By comparing with traditional RANS models, LES's advanced capabilities pave the way for future energy innovations.


2.题目:State-of-Charge and State-of-Health Estimation for Lithium-ion Batteries :Making Distributed Generation Safety and Efficiency

讲座人:Bailiang Liu(哈工大电气学院硕士)


内容介绍:An electrochemical model of lithium-ion batteries was modeled, and SoC and SoH estimation algorithms for lithium-ion batteries based on a sliding mode observer were designed to improve the safety, reliability, and efficiency of the batteries.


3.题目:Research on The Control Method of Multi-sensor and Multi-motor Cooperative System for Pipeline Inspection Robot 

讲座人:Beining Sheng (哈工大电气学院硕士)

讲座时间: 22:45-23:00(北京时间)

内容介绍:Seawater will corrod the pipelines of the cold source system of nuclear power plant, over time it can cause pipeline blockage, leakage and damage. The application of pipeline maintenance robot can not only solve this problembut also overcome the shortcomings such as low efficiency and large task of manual section cutting and maintenance