

澳大利亚RMIT大学太阳能应用实验室(Solar Energy Application Group)学术讲座与交流(二)

2023-10-17 13:56 王艳敏

澳大利亚RMIT大学Seal实验室网页详见: about/schools-colleges/property-construction-and-project-management/research/research-centres-and-groups/solar-energy-application-laboratory

受哈工大“世界顶尖大学战略合作计划”资助,电气学院冯勇教授和王艳敏副教授,第二次邀请SEAL实验室的A/P. Fengling Han,与20231017号走进电气学院,采用讲座及与师生互动交流形式,进行学术讲座与交流。 



时间:2023.10.17 14:00-17:00(北京时间)

腾讯会议号: 368-454-902


1.题目:Fundamentals of Blockchain for energy management

讲座人:A/P. Fengling Han


内容介绍:Beyond its cryptocurrency fame, blockchain's real-time data-sharing capabilities are instrumental for grid management. We'll unpack its utility in ensuring grid balance and effective solar power incorporation, particularly in smart-grid applications.


2.题目:Lithium-ion batteries' health state and their estimation 

讲座人:A/P. Fengling Han

讲座时间: 15:50-17:00(北京时间)

内容介绍:For the modern energy storage workhorse, the lithium-ion battery, periodic health assessments are crucial. Dive into advanced techniques for gauging battery health, spotlighting user-friendly solutions that enable proactive measures for optimized battery performance.


时间:2023.10.17 18:00-21:00(北京时间)


1.题目:Networked batteries monitoring and management

讲座人:A/P. Fengling Han

讲座时间: 18:00-19:30(北京时间)

内容介绍:With the IoT revolution, battery management has undergone a paradigm shift. This segment emphasizes the significance of decentralized monitoring systems, exploring their role in predictive maintenance and ensuring energy storage efficiency.


2.题目:Blockchain-based Peer-to-Peer energy trading 

讲座人:A/P. Fengling Han


内容介绍:In the evolving energy landscape, blockchain paves the way for direct, transparent transactions between energy producers and consumers. This session delves into the transformative potential of blockchain in fostering a democratized energy marketplace, emphasizing its role in Peer-to-Peer energy exchanges.